Beetroot Halwa Recipe

Beetroot Halwa Recipe


  • Beetroot - 2, medium sized, grate to make 2 cups
  • Milk - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Ghee - 2 tbsps
  • Cashew nuts - 5-6
  • Raisins - 9-10 (kishmish)
  • Method

    1. Heat a heavy bottomed vessel and add the ghee. Once the ghee is hot, add the cashew nuts and raisins and saute till the nuts turn golden brown. Remove the nuts and raisins and set aside.
    2. To the ghee, add the grated beetroots and saute on low to medium flame for 8 to 9 mts or till the rawness reduces. Do not skip this step.
    3. Add the milk and cook the beetroot on low medium flame. Stir once in a while so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Allow the milk to be absorbed.
    4. Add the sugar and cardamom powder and mix well. The mixture will be become liquid-y again. Continue to simmer on low medium flame and keep stirring as the sugar melts and the beetroot mixture begins to thicken and glisten (shine). The mixture will leave the sides of the pan. This could take approx 15-18 mts. Turn off flame.
    5. Add roasted cashew nuts and raisins and mix well. Remove to a serving bowl and offer as neivedhyam (prasadam).
    6. SOURCE

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